Contributions of $250.00 or less must include :
-the name of the contributor
Contributions over $250.00 must include:
-the name and address of the contributor
-the contributor’s occupation
-the contributor’s place of employment, or the affiliation of the political committee if it is not an individual
WV state law: Maximum donation for a single donor is $2,800 for Primary elections and $2,800 for General elections.

Putting My Experience
to Work
It’s been nearly a decade since Mike Oliverio last served in the West Virginia Legislature, and he’s ready to go back to Charleston.
Oliverio, a Republican from Morgantown, will be running for the 13th District State Senate seat, which includes parts of Monongalia and Marion counties.
“I’ve been at it for a long time. I really care about our community and have had some wonderful opportunities to serve our
community in the House of Delegates and a long time in the state Senate, and I’m interested in representing this community again,” Oliverio stated.
“If we want the best for our community, I think we need to send some legislators to Charleston who are members of the Republican party, who are in the majority, who will be able to make decisions and help our community.”